Your timber deck is in some ways like your car. If you don’t maintain it, you will have to replace it – and much sooner than you want to, or can afford to…
It is much cheaper to do small amounts of ongoing maintenance to protect your investment and ensure you don’t have an unexpected financial crisis, brought about by having to replace your whole timber deck.
And we get so busy, we forget and it’s easy to put off your timber deck restoration. You slowly become conditioned to the state of your embarrassing eyesore until it doesn’t really bother you that much anymore.
The problem is: It’s just going to keep getting steadily worse and become more and more costly to correct, until it will require a complete rebuild! And unfortunately you will probably pay much more than you did to have the original deck built!
You only have about 6 years until you will have to completely replace your timber deck at a much higher new price.
The answer is regular maintenance. A properly maintained deck will last forever. By spending a proportionately small amount on an ongoing basis with a timber deck restoration specialist, you will save money in the long term and always enjoy a fully functional, magnificent entertainment deck you can be proud of!